
Category: Uncategorized

The Revival of Self-Government in California

All year, Gavin Newsom has screamed at Californians some variation of this tweet: Yes, do vote. That’s self-evident. The franchise is the lynchpin of democracy. But voting in itself wasn’t the great American innovation. Self-government was. And Californians know all too well that once you vote, Newsom will say “see you in two years” and […]

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A Pivotal Moment in the Fight Against Newsom

*Receive updates on our case against Gov. Newsom We are at a critical juncture in our fight against Gavin Newsom’s one-man rule, on three fronts: the lawsuit, yesterday’s Conference of North State Representatives, and the election. The Case: To state the obvious, it’s taking longer than we thought to get a decision. Many people have

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