
Kevin Kiley

Today We Took the Governor to Court, and Won

June 8, 2020 Today Assemblyman James Gallagher and I took Gavin Newsom to court for overstepping his powers. We won. The Judge granted a Temporary Restraining Order (see document below), suspending the Governor’s latest Executive Order as a violation of the Constitution. To save costs, we represented ourselves. The restraining order suspends the Governor’s recent

Today We Took the Governor to Court, and Won Read More »

Legislative Analyst: Newsom’s Budget is a Power Grab

BY ASSEMBLYMAN KEVIN KILEY Today the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst sent lawmakers an urgent warning: Gavin Newsom’s budget is a power grab. The letter lists 13 separate ways the Governor is trying to “sideline legislative authority” and enlarge his own powers. $600 million to buy hotels for the homeless. $130 million to remake Medi-Cal. Millions to

Legislative Analyst: Newsom’s Budget is a Power Grab Read More »