

A New Low for Newsom with “California Coup” Stunt

Only in California would a vote of the people be considered a coup. Yesterday, the chair of the State Democratic Party and other top Newsom allies held a press conference to oppose the Recall titled, “Defending against the California Coup.” Here’s how CalMatters began its story on the event: “When is a constitutionally outlined petition

A New Low for Newsom with “California Coup” Stunt Read More »

A New Low for Newsom with “California Coup” Stunt

Only in California would a vote of the people be considered a coup. Yesterday, the chair of the State Democratic Party and other top Newsom allies held a press conference to oppose the Recall titled, “Defending against the California Coup.” Here’s how CalMatters began its story on the event: “When is a constitutionally outlined petition

A New Low for Newsom with “California Coup” Stunt Read More »