
Kevin Kiley

Newsom’s Public Health Director Abruptly Resigns

Gavin Newsom’s Director of Public Health has abruptly resigned. Dr. Sonia Angell announced her departure late Sunday night. The Governor himself had not been seen in the week since his office revealed a major “glitch” in the state’s COVID case data that has undermined public health measures and reopening. He also refused to answer questions

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Newsom’s Public Health Director Abruptly Resigns

*We’re fighting Gov. Newsom’s one-man rule on multiple fronts. Sign Up Here to get updates. Gavin Newsom’s Director of Public Health has abruptly resigned. Dr. Sonia Angell announced her departure late Sunday night. The Governor himself had not been seen in the week since his office revealed a major “glitch” in the state’s COVID case

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Attorney General Becerra’s Election Fraud

Attorney General Xavier Becerra is facing a record six lawsuits for writing fraudulent descriptions of the Propositions on our November ballots. Instead of actually saying what the initiatives will do, Becerra inserted poll-tested language from special interests. This is the same as “ballot box stuffing or denying voters the right to vote,” wrote Dan Walters

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