Memes from CA Freelancers
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Memes from CA Freelancers Read More »
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Memes from CA Freelancers Read More »
A federal lawsuit has just been filed to cancel the Recall vote. Gavin Newsom has tried every trick in the book to thwart the will of voters, so of course it has come to this. I’ll be helping make sure this gets laughed out of court. It’s a fringe legal theory brought by two “voters”
Newsom Knows He’s Lost Read More »
A federal lawsuit has just been filed to cancel the Recall vote. Gavin Newsom has tried every trick in the book to thwart the will of voters, so of course it has come to this. I’ll be helping make sure this gets laughed out of court. It’s a fringe legal theory brought by two “voters”
Newsom Knows He’s Lost Read More »
The UK is not requiring masks in schools, based on a “very strong” expert consensus that the harms to kids exceed the benefits. This will be my policy as Governor. As far as the new shot mandates, which no other state has, Newsom just confirmed their purpose is entirely political: he’s running anti-Recall ads attacking
Newsom’s Political Mandates Read More »
The UK is not requiring masks in schools, based on a “very strong” expert consensus that the harms to kids exceed the benefits. This will be my policy as Governor. As far as the new vaccine mandates, which no other state has, Newsom just confirmed their purpose is entirely political: he’s running anti-Recall ads attacking
Newsom’s Political Mandates Read More »
The LA Times is urging readers to vote against me because I “remind” them of Ron DeSantis and Tom Cotton. I’ll happily accept that non-endorsement. You’ll be shocked to learn the Times also urged a No vote on the Recall. An honest editorial might have begun like this: “Every step of the way, Newsom opted for
The LA Times is urging readers to vote against me because I “remind” them of Ron DeSantis and Tom Cotton. I’ll happily accept that non-endorsement. You’ll be shocked to learn the Times also urged a No vote on the Recall. An honest editorial might have begun like this: “Every step of the way, Newsom opted for
PG&E, with multiple felonies to its name, has given Gavin Newsom more money than any politician. They even pay his wife’s salary. Now, a whistleblower has come forward at the PUC. Former Executive Director Alice Stebbins says Newsom took “complete control” over the agency’s oversight of PG&E and she was ordered to sign a safety certificate against
Newsom’s Catastrophic Corruption Read More »
PG&E, with multiple felonies to its name, has given Gavin Newsom more money than any politician. They even pay his wife’s salary. Now, a whistleblower has come forward at the PUC. Former Executive Director Alice Stebbins says Newsom took “complete control” over the agency’s oversight of PG&E and she was ordered to sign a safety certificate against
Newsom’s Catastrophic Corruption Read More »
Gavin Newsom was the slowest governor to make the vaccine available and is now the quickest to make it mandatory. This mix of incompetence and overreach is the hallmark of California government. As Governor, I would immediately end the State of Emergency and reverse Newsom’s outrageous mandates. State control will give way to liberty and
Incompetence and Overreach Read More »