
Kevin Kiley

The Debate

On Thursday night, I squared off with my opponent in a live television debate. You can watch the full 25-minute debate here and see my closing statement here.  Kermit began the debate by criticizing me for wanting to suspend the gas tax and by going out of his way to oppose American energy independence. And it was only downhill

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Mandates Are on the Ballot

Last week, the CDC added COVID-19 vaccines to the “recommended immunization schedules” for children. The stakes in the midterm elections are now even higher. Importantly, CDC Board Members emphasized that the decision itself is not a mandate: “The decision around school entrance for vaccines rests where it did before, which is with the state level, the county

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The Final 18 Days

Nancy Pelosi thought she had the perfect plan. Send an Obama-Biden White House alum into a congressional district where he’s never lived. Give him a pile of cash and a year-and-a-half head start. Clear the Primary field of Democrat challengers. Then, just before ballots arrive, shower unsuspecting voters with a tsunami of lies. It hasn’t worked. Despite

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