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My arrival in Congress is not going to make Gavin Newsom’s life easier. Quite the contrary. When someone sent me his Inaugural Address last Friday, at first I thought it was a parody. Newsom called California the “true freedom state,” offering a litany of unhinged attacks on “red state politicians.” Delusional doesn’t even begin to
My arrival in Congress is not going to make Gavin Newsom’s life easier. Quite the contrary. When someone sent me his Inaugural Address last Friday, at first I thought it was a parody. Newsom called California the “true freedom state,” offering a litany of unhinged attacks on “red state politicians.” Delusional doesn’t even begin to
At 1:54 AM Saturday morning, I was finally sworn in as a Member of the United States House of Representatives. The week did not exactly go as planned – from small things, like the word California being mis-spelled on the sign outside my office, to the larger matter of the swearing-in itself. All incoming Members
A Dramatic First Week Read More »
At 1:54 AM this morning, I was finally sworn in as a Member of the United States House of Representatives. The week did not exactly go as planned – from small things, like the word California being mis-spelled on the sign outside my office, to the larger matter of the swearing-in itself. All incoming Members
A Dramatic First Week Read More »
I have to admit, I’ve been impatient this month. My term in the Assembly ended on November 30 and I don’t become a Member of Congress until January 3. It’s been frustrating to watch as the lame-duck Congress passed the Obscene Omnibus, a $1.7-trillion, 4,155-page slap-in-the-face to Americans who voted for change. The bill even
The Lame Duck Congress Read More »
I have to admit, I’ve been impatient this month. My term in the Assembly ended on November 30 and I don’t become a Member of Congress until January 3. It’s been frustrating to watch as the lame-duck Congress passed the Obscene Omnibus, a $1.7-trillion, 4,155-page slap-in-the-face to Americans who voted for change. The bill even
The Lame Duck Congress Read More »
On January 3, I will be sworn in to the 118th Congress as part of a new Republican Majority in the House of Representatives. With the reign of Nancy Pelosi over at last, several changes will be made immediately. On Day 1, we will reopen the U.S. Capitol to the public. We will end remote
On January 3, I will be sworn in as a Member of the 118th Congress as part of a new Republican Majority in the House of Representatives. With the reign of Nancy Pelosi over at last, several changes will be made immediately. On Day 1, we will reopen the U.S. Capitol to the public. We
One month after Election Day, California is finally done counting votes. We received 181,438 of them, more than any Republican running for Congress in California. As the decisive 218th race called, we “essentially fired Nancy Pelosi from her job as Speaker of the House.” This is a tribute to what made our campaign unique: a