
Kevin Kiley

Our Opposition to Newsom’s Disingenuous Appeal

*Sign up at the bottom for updates on our case against Gov. Newsom. By KEVIN KILEY After we obtained a Restraining Order against Gavin Newsom, his lawyers at the Attorney General’s Office spent the weekend furiously churning out papers to file with the Court of Appeals. The Governor hopes to get out of the Restraining […]

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Missing the Moment: Why I Voted Against the $202 Billion Budget

Sign up below for my latest updates from inside the State Capitol. BY ASSEMBLYMAN KEVIN KILEY For months, Gavin Newsom has implored us again and again (and again) to “meet this moment.” With the $202 billion budget the Legislature passed today, we missed the moment entirely. Having shut down the economy for months, the Governor

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‘Democracy into Chaos’ – the Triple Irony of Padilla’s Attack

“A continuation of the Republican Party’s plan to throw our democracy into chaos” – that’s what CA Secretary of State Alex Padilla called our court victory curbing Gavin Newsom’s abuse of power. With the ink barely dry on the Superior Court’s Order, our state’s Chief Elections Officer turned the vindication of a sacred Constitutional principle

‘Democracy into Chaos’ – the Triple Irony of Padilla’s Attack Read More »

Today We Took the Governor to Court, and Won

June 8, 2020 Today Assemblyman James Gallagher and I took Gavin Newsom to court for overstepping his powers. We won. The Judge granted a Temporary Restraining Order (see document below), suspending the Governor’s latest Executive Order as a violation of the Constitution. To save costs, we represented ourselves. The restraining order suspends the Governor’s recent

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