
Kevin Kiley

The Largest Tax Increase in California History

Only in California would the largest tax increase in state history be proposed during the biggest economic collapse in state history. Just as Gavin Newsom announced he’s all in on the initiative to undo Prop. 13, the Legislature has unveiled a bill to raise our highest-in-the-nation income tax even higher. In surveys, half of Californians […]

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How You Can Fight Back Against Newsom’s One-Man Rule

Life at the California Capitol is carefully designed with one overriding goal in mind: keep the public out. There is no State Capitol so insular, no political system so impenetrable, no place in the country – or perhaps even in the broader democratic world – where ordinary citizens are so excluded from participating in public

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Newsom Sued for Vicious Attack on Vulnerable Kids

Gavin Newsom is being sued for his vicious attack on California’s most vulnerable students, in what’s being called “the most important civil rights education case since Brown v. Board of Education.” SB 98, signed by Newsom last month, delighted special interests but devastated public charter schools “serving almost exclusively low-income students of color.” “I opened

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Gov. Newsom Has Unilaterally Changed Over 400 Laws

*Receive updates on our court case against Gov. Newsom Here is a 138-page document most of us thought we’d never see, at least not in this country. It lays bare the anatomy of one-man rule, listing every Executive Order Gavin Newsom has issued, every law he’s changed. It’s a testament to the collapse of constitutional

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