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The Judge hasn’t yet issued a ruling in our case against Newsom. Over 200,000 people tuned in to the trial on Facebook – several times more than watched the Governor’s press conference that day.
I’ve posted some TV coverage of the trial here.
While we wait, I wanted to let you know about something else Gallagher and I have been working on, which goes hand-in-hand with the lawsuit.
We’ve joined with other legislators in our region to organize a Conference of North State Representatives to counter Newsom’s one-man rule. We asked 16 counties to each send a delegate to the conference, which will take place next Thursday.
Most have commissioned the Chair of their Board of Supervisors to represent the people of their county, with the others sending Supervisors or other county leaders.
Our ultimate goals are to revive representative government in California, challenge the state’s arbitrary and unscientific restrictions on our communities, and mark out a path for the opening of our schools, businesses, and civic life. As we said in our letter convening the conference:
“The extended State of Emergency has destroyed even the appearance of representative government and left our communities as mere subjects of overreaching state power. As we now enter the seventh month of the State of Emergency, with no end in sight, it is time to consider every legal and political lever at our disposal to restore representative democracy for our citizens.”
You can read the full letter here. It is my hope that we can use our collective voice to not only arrest California’s slide towards autocracy, but model a representative process that serves the public interest. As the Governor rules by fiat, we must find new sites to preserve our habits of self-government.
I am also in touch with representatives and leaders throughout the state to expand such efforts beyond our region.
This undertaking complements our lawsuit: the one aims to unclench Newsom’s grip on life in California, and the other to put our state’s future back in the hands of Californians.
*Sign up below for my updates on the conference and our lawsuit