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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Some incredible news: the Public Policy Institute of California just released a new poll, and Prop. 36 has a commanding 71-26 lead. Even two-thirds of Democrats support it. This is the initiative we qualified for the ballot to end the Prop. 47 disaster.

Newsom, of course, is fighting tooth and nail against it, and even tried to cancel the election several times. His rection, upon hearing he’s getting crushed in the polls, says it all: “I was wondering what state I’m living in.” Simply put, he’s living in a state that is leaving him behind.

You can watch my speech on the House Floor today about the imminent passage of Prop. 36, the hope it provides for California’s future, and what a ringing repudiation it is of Newsom, Kamala, and the reckless path they've led our state down.

In another Floor Speech titled “The Death of Satire in California,” I lit into Newsom for his latest assault on the First Amendment. In a classic authoritarian move, Newsom saw a parody video of Kamala Harris he didn’t like, so he signed a law to ban it. Thankfully, he’s being sued already.

There is some good news when it comes to freedom of speech: My Free Speech on Campus Act passed the full House of Representatives. You can watch here my presentation of the bill during the Floor Debate; it’s another step in the long overdue reckoning for our universities.

We also passed legislation this week to increase President Trump’s Secret Service protection and passed a bill I’m co-sponsoring to stop another endless State of Emergency. And I held a hearing of my subcommittee lambasting the Biden-Harris anti-worker agenda. 

Finally, some unbelievable news: As part of its lavish $1.2 billion “renovation” of the State Capitol, the Legislature spent $5.2 million shipping millions of pounds of granite from California to Italy for “stonework.” Our government’s capacity to waste tax dollars knows no limit. 

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