There are currently about 900 bills on Newsom’s desk. Some are non-controversial, a few are actually good, and quite a few are very bad. Of the latter variety:
- AB 2098: Censors doctors in violation of the First Amendment
- SB 1479: Makes schools do onerous COVID testing
- AB 1797: Gives government more access to the vaccine registry
- SB 1157: Imposes limit of 42 gallons of indoor water use per day
- SB 1018: Enables more pervasive social media censorship
Newsom has until September 30 to either sign or veto every bill. You can send him your thoughts here.
Last week, following my last day at the State Capitol, I posted a list of notable video clips someone had compiled from the Assembly Floor. Here is a similar list for committee hearings:
10. Questioning San Diego Unified's Superintendent over the insane outdoor mask mandate.
9. Squaring off with Newsom’s Public Health Offier over the ridiculous color-coded lockdown “tiers.”
8. Presenting a bill to make crime illegal again by reversing Prop. 47.
7. Denouncing schools for segregating students based on vaccination status.
6. Questioning Newsom’s EDD Director in the hearing that likely got her ousted.
5. Trying to save the jobs of Californians with disabilities being targeted by the Democrats.
4. Proposing an audit of homelessness spending as Newsom tried to get the voted cancelled.
3. Cross-examining the author of the bill to remove parent vaccine consent.
2. Killing a bill that attacked homeschooling with thousands of homeschool families in attendance.
1. Turning the tables on a corrupt Committee Chair who tried to hijack the gas tax suspension bill.
I can’t wait to bring similar accountability to Anthony Fauci and any number of Biden cronies who are doing such grave damage to our country.
Help me get to the U.S. Capitol and fight the Biden Administration