Momentum is building against LA's outrageous new mask mandate. This could be a turning point.
The county’s “Public Health” Director, Barbara Ferrer, is intent on plowing ahead with the mandate. But the Board of Supervisors can block her diktat at tomorrow’s 9:30 AM meeting. You can contact the Supervisors here.
This matters for all Californians: Whenever LA does something insane related to COVID, Newsom is not far behind with a statewide order.
Since announcing the mandate, Ferrer has been contradicted by LA’s own hospitals about COVID numbers and exposed for relying on a mask “study” authored by her own daughter. She was also caught mixing masklessly – indeed jubilantly – with 70,000 baseball fans.
As bad as Ferrer is, her quackery is enabled by elected officials. Newsom and the Legislature have maintained the State of Emergency; the Board of Supervisors has let Ferrer keep her job and rubber stamped her orders – until, perhaps, tomorrow.
In Placer County, we did replace our Public Health Director. The new director focused on disease control rather than population control – protecting the vulnerable while citizens made their own decisions. The result: a COVID mortality rate half that of Ferrer’s LA.
Fauci and imitators like Ferrer have nurtured a cult of personality meant to overpower all else: common sense, actual science, the Constitution itself. Tomorrow is our best chance yet to cut them down to size and bring this era of government control to an end.