Join The Fight

Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

There are currently about 900 bills on Newsom’s desk. Some are non-controversial, a few are actually good, and quite a few are very bad. Of the latter variety:

  • AB 2098: Censors doctors in violation of the First Amendment
  • SB 1479: Makes schools do onerous COVID testing
  • AB 1797: Gives government more access to the vaccine registry
  • SB 1157: Imposes limit of 42 gallons of indoor water use per day
  • SB 1018: Enables more pervasive social media censorship

Newsom has until September 30 to either sign or veto every bill. You can send him your thoughts here

*Sign up below and I'll let you know if Newsom vetoes these bills