The End 47 initiative has an official number, Prop. 36. This, in itself, marks one of the greatest grassroots achievements in California history.
First, over 900,000 signatures were submitted, and we doubled the previous record for signatures collected by volunteers. Then, we fended off a seemingly never-ending series of corrupt, anti-democratic schemes to remove it from the ballot. But we won every battle.
In the latest shot of momentum, today In-N-Out gave major support to the initiative. The burger chain had to close a restaurant in January for the first time ever because of out-of-control crime that threatened the safety of employees and customers.
The path to sanity for California is now coming into focus, as I set out in a speech on the House Floor. The passage of the initiative in November will restore accountability for theft, stop open drug use and get addicts treatment, and toughen penalties for fentanyl dealers.
On top of that, our victory at the Supreme Court on homelessness is already having an impact. In response to the ruling, a local court just gave San Francisco just got a green light to clear homeless encampments. There’s no longer any excuse for resembling the third world.
Meanwhile in DC, we’re working to reverse two other distinctly California problems: High-Speed Rail and the Gas Car Ban. You can watch my updates from the Floor on our investigation into the former and our legislation to stop the latter.
Our state and country having been moving in the wrong direction. But at this moment, there is newfound hope. I am as hopeful as I’ve been in a long time.
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