Join The Fight

Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

The entire political world is awaiting our announcement at the end of today, as we disclose our end-of-month fundraising total with just 68 days until voting starts.

I’ll tell you exclusively: we're close to where we need to be, but aren't quite there. Your support will help us get over the top.

Our opponents are watching most closely. They are alarmed by our success so far and are desperate to show a grassroots campaign can’t succeed.

They’re hoping for any sign of weakness, any opening. If they think they see one, they’ll immediately go all in to stop our movement in its tracks.

With a quick and secure donation, you can make sure they see only strength.

It’s a strength that Newsom, Pelosi, and other swamp dwellers could only imagine. It’s the strength of thousands of patriots making a sacrifice because you believe our state and country are worth fighting for.

Can you make a citizen donation of $25, $60, $250, or even the maximum amount?

Corrupt politicians have tried everything to stop us. They moved me to the smallest office at the Capitol. They removed me from the Education Committee. Newsom himself has attacked me personally in vile ways.

They can’t stand that we fight. They really can’t stand that we fight and win. 

We’ve passed conservative bills and stopped radical bills. We’ve gotten Newsom cronies fired. We even got Eric Holder fired after the Assembly illegally hired him as an “advisor.”

The reason I can keep fighting – and winning – is because I go into battle armored with your generous support.

If every person who receives this message gives what you can, I will have the armor I need to fend off the attacks and win a huge victory for the grassroots.

I want to be a Congressman for California, representing our movement of conservatives and patriots at the U.S. Capitol. Because we simply cannot let our country be ruined the way our state is being ruined

Please take a moment to send as much help as you can for today's deadline.

Thank you for your support, and thank you for being in the fight. 
