Join The Fight

Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

It’s all come down to this. Tonight at midnight is our final, official FEC Quarter Fundraising Deadline before Election Day. It comes just days before ballots go out. And our entire campaign – our entire movement – could hinge on how we do. If we underperform, it could all be over.

If you only have a moment, here is the link to make a donation for tonight’s deadline. But I wanted to take a few minutes this morning to give you the lay of the land: where we’ve been, where we are, and where we go from here.

I ran for Congress because I wanted to bring sanity to California and stop our state’s political insanity from spreading nationwide. And we have made major progress towards those goals in just a year and a half. 

As a result, we are being fiercely targeted by the Democrat machine in Sacramento and Washington. The fact that we fight and get results is a huge problem for them. Our opponent Jessica Morse said it herself when she launched her campaign: “Kevin Kiley is a problem.”

With your support today, we will be able to fight back through Election Day.

Just think about what we’ve accomplished in a short span of time. We completely burst the Newsom presidential balloon, turning him into Mr. Irrelevant and a figure of ridicule even among many Democrats.

We have set California on a path to sanity. First, we qualified the anti-Prop. 47 initiative for the ballot, shattering the record for volunteer signatures and beating back each of Newsom’s corrupt schemes to stop it. Polls now show it will pass overwhelmingly. 

Second, we asked the Supreme Court to allow our homeless encampments to be removed, directly opposing Newsom’s position. After the Court ruled our way, cities across our state immediately started getting cleaned up.

Third, we are now seeing for the first time in a generation that the Republican share of registered voters in California is increasing. In four straight reports, the GOP share has increased as the Democrat share has decreased.

I need your help today to win reelection and continue this momentum.

We are also leading the effort to get out the truth about Kamala Harris’s disastrous record in California. And for the last year and a half, we have been holding her and Biden’s Administration accountable.

We have cross-examined more Cabinet Secretaries than perhaps any other Member of Congress. We held Becerra accountable for forcing masks on 2-year-olds. We held Mayorkas accountable for the chaos at the border. We defeated the nomination of Julie Su. We exposed Garland for targeting parents as “domestic terrorists.”

We have not merely conducted oversight but got real accountability. For instance, half the Presidents in the Ivy League have resigned following our hearings; and the UC and CSU systems have outlawed tent encampments on campus after our pressure.

Following a hearing a few weeks ago, we even got an entire international organization that is trying to put Twitter/X out of business to disband. And we got Facebook to admit to censoring Americans at the behest of the Biden-Harris Administration.

I need your help for today’s deadline to assure we can keep getting these results in DC.

And while it may seem like a lifetime ago, we also succeeded in turning the page on the COVID insanity in California and nationwide. 

We defeated Newsom’s child vaccine mandate, forced him and Biden to end the State of Emergency, passed an amendment against child masking, and even passed a bill in the House to prevent another endless “emergency.”

This is why they are targeting us, and it’s why I need your help today to fight back.

The most important thing we’ve accomplished together, though, is building a movement. A movement of California citizens, parents, and patriots who refuse to believe that decline and failure are inevitable – who believe that our state and country are worth fighting for.

In the eyes of our opponents, that is the most dangerous thing we’ve done. That is the biggest threat to their hold on power, the biggest impediment to their twisted plans to take California’s failures national.

This election is a make-or-break moment for our movement. If we can overcome the current onslaught, there will be no stopping us going forward. But if Newsom, Morse, and the National Democrats get their way, all of our progress could be stopped. The pendulum could abruptly swing towards even great heights of insanity.

Today is our final Quarter Deadline of the election. It comes just days before people start voting. And we need a major a show of support. Thank you!

Donate: Kiley for Congress Reelection 2024