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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

On Monday, the Assembly will vote on the Single Payer bill. AB 1400 abolishes private insurance and has the government take over healthcare. It would double state taxes.

Apparently, this is not a drill. Democrat leaders are vowing to “make sure members who vote ‘no’ on the legislation will not be endorsed by the California Democratic Party for the upcoming election.”

The craziest thing is this might not be the worst bill in the Legislature. That distinction goes to SB 871, which mandates the vaccine for kindergarten and up, or SB 866, which removes parent consent. Even the LA Times opposes this outrageous legislation.

It’s no wonder we've reached a dubious milestone in the California Exodus. In a new report, U-Haul reveals it literally ran out of trucks to accommodate people fleeing the state. The meme calling Newsom their "Salesman of the Year" is certainly on target.

On a related note, new jobs numbers are in. You’ll never guess which state has the highest unemployment this month. Hint: it’s the same as the last 3 months.

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