We are still waiting for signature-counting to finish, but the Secretary of State just released another update – and it’s another good one. The signature “validity rate” remains at an impressive 81 percent.
This means that the initiative is not only very likely to qualify, but that we might not have to wait much longer. It could be official within two weeks. Thank you to everyone who signed and has given us this opportunity to make crime illegal again in California.
Coupled with the decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson – a case where I am asking the Supreme Court to enable California communities to limit homeless encampments around parks, sidewalks, schools, and other public places – this could be a turning point for our state.
It will also be a victory for California citizens over an entrenched political establishment. The Governor, Assembly Speaker, and Senate President all locked arms against the initiative – and a Newsom surrogate even filed a frivolous complaint against me (which was just rejected).
Speaking of Newsom, incredibly, he just declared his homelessness policy a “national model.” I called this the “height of delusion,” given that the state now has 9 times more unsheltered homeless than the next closest state.
And after I called for the removal of CSU Sonoma State’s President, he was placed on “leave” and has now resigned. You can watch here as I document the unbelievable ways that he and other campus leaders are appeasing lawless encampments.
This won’t be the last resignation. I’m questioning UCLA’s president at a hearing this week, and I’ve sent a letter to the heads of the CSU and UC systems with a clear message: any university leader who caves to a lawless mob needs to be removed immediately.