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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Last Monday a deranged man killed his 3 daughters, another man, and then himself in a Sacramento church. We’ve now learned he was in the country illegally. 

Not only that, a few days before the murders he was arrested for assaulting a peace officer. ICE asked to be notified of his release, but never was. The reason: California’s Sanctuary State law forbids such communication with immigration authorities.

This unspeakable tragedy was avoidable. I have called on the Legislature to end the Sanctuary State immediately.

Fighting against the Sanctuary State was my first major battle in the Legislature. The bill’s author, Kevin de Leon (now running for LA Mayor), famously lost it when I grilled him in the Judiciary Committee. 

The Legislature even hired Eric Holder as a legal “advisor” on the Sanctuary State. But after I pointed out Holder’s hiring violated the State Constitution, the Assembly cancelled his $25,000/month taxpayer-funded contract.

Speaking of lawlessness, tomorrow is the vote on my bill to overturn Prop. 47. I’ll be joined at the Capitol by sheriffs, district attorneys, victims’ advocates, and business owners. (Details here.)

This weekend the Democrats held their state convention and, according to reports, “avoided discussing crime and homelessness." They know Californians have had enough. If there was ever a chance to end Prop. 47 and the Sanctuary State, this is it. 

Help my fight against sanctuary policies

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