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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Newsom just complained he needs a “day off.” To be fair, he’s been busy: cooking up anti-democrat schemes that go down in flames one day, goofily extolling the Biden presidency in lightly attended Michigan backyard parties the next. It must be exhausting.

Yet despite Newsom’s years-long shadow presidential campaign, it appears he has lost out to Kamala, who may supplant Biden at the top of the ticket any day now. If and when the Democrats pivot from Biden to Harris, we must make a pivot of our own. 

We’ve succeeded in exposing Newsom, but Kamala presents the same threat. The two of them teamed up to ruin San Francisco; both then swung the wrecking ball across California; and she, no less than he, would gladly swing it from sea to shining sea. 

My article here sounds this warning to the nation. The irony is the disastrous Newsom-Kamala “model” is getting a national audition at the very moment we are finally uprooting it in our state:

  • The End 47 initiative has an official number, Prop. 36. Today I lit up Newsom on the House Floor for scheming to remove it from the ballot. 
  • In response to our Supreme Court victory, San Francisco just got a green light to clear homeless encampments. There’s no longer any excuse for resembling the third world.
  • On the education front, Newsom’s CRT agenda is backfiring. A few years ago I gave the only speech opposing the new graduation requirement. Now the Supermajority is acknowledging I was right, with new legislation to address the horrors it’s unleashed.

Meanwhile in D.C., I grilled the chief at CARB about the harebrained ban on non-electric trains. And in another hearing, I had an exchange with Ben Shapiro about how censorship against him and Twitter has violated the law. After the hearing, Elon Musk announced a federal lawsuit.

Finally, today the House passed the SAVE Act. In my Floor Speech, I made a point that has somehow become controversial: only American citizens should vote in American elections. 

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