
Sacramento City Unified, one of the worst failing districts in America, has reimposed a student mask mandate. This will not happen in any area that I represent.

The announcement came amidst a bizarre week at the Capitol. My last post discussed the key events from Thursday, but I haven’t told you about Wednesday. That’s when the attempt to topple the Speaker of the Assembly failed in slow motion. 

Shortly after we convened on the Assembly Floor, the Speaker’s allies tried to adjourn the session before he could be ousted. That motion failed, and then the allies of the usurper asked for a “caucus,” where Democrats and Republicans meet in separate rooms outside of public view. 

So the Democrats took their family feud behind closed doors, while our much smaller caucus was forced to sit around and wait for six hours. In the end, the Speaker managed to fend off the coup and remain in power – for now. 

Just as all this was ending, I left for the KCRA studio for a televised debate in the race for Congress. I want to thank everyone for your kind feedback; you can watch my closing statement here

The day was a perfect reminder, as I took the debate stage, of just how dysfunctional our state government is. California is being ruined by radical, inept politicians – and now, the same thing is happening to our country. We cannot let it happen.

Election Day is Tuesday. Every donation received today will immediately be put towards our Get Out the Vote efforts.

Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.