The Public Health Director of Los Angeles County has announced that a mask mandate will likely be reimposed by the end of July.
In addition, school districts like Sacramento Unified have already brought back student mask mandates. The national teachers union is calling for nationwide compulsory masking to begin the school year.
The same people who shut down schools against all evidence, then added layer after layer of cruelty, are back for more. But in the areas that I represent, we will not have mandates of any kind – and I'll do everything I can to spare the rest of the state
In my home county of Placer we opened our schools a year ahead of LA, fending off Newsom's edicts. Our high school district led the charge in ending the student mask mandate statewide. Our parent leaders organized rallies against the vaccine mandate.
The result: even the liberal Sacramento Bee conceded that our COVID outcomes are far better than the rest of the state. LA and other mandate-crazy jurisdictions have done the worst.
It’s been said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again, expecting a different result. What Newsom and his cronies don’t understand is that the game has changed.
We’ve built a movement of parents and citizens unlike any in modern political history. And with 77 percent of Americans saying the country is on the wrong track, we have an opportunity to break the cycle of insanity for good.
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