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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

The Senate has finally agreed to debate cutting off Newsom's emergency powers. While we didn't end the emergency before the Super Bowl, we succeeded in shaming the Legislature into action. 

It’s of course insane that this must wait until after the State of Emergency’s 2-year anniversary. It's also 22 months after I first introduced my Resolution to terminate the emergency.

Yet Californians are not waiting any longer: as we speak, dozens of school districts are declining to enforce the mask mandate.

Ultimately, history will record that Newsom’s one-man rule was ended not by the courts or the legislature, but by the people. We simply stopped listening to him.

*Sign up below and I'll let you know the result of the vote to end the State of Emergency