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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

This week, the author of SB 1464 withdrew his bill again. I suspect it's as good as dead, though he claims he'll bring it up for real in two weeks. Also, AB 2098 has been set for a hearing on April 19.

Sign up at the bottom of the page and I'll update you on the status of these bills. I believe we can defeat every one of them.

SB 871would mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all kids for school or child careReferred to the Senate Health and Senate Education Committees; no hearing date yet
SB 866would eliminate parental consent for kids 12 to 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccineReferred to the Senate Judiciary Committee; no hearing date yet. Similar law ruled unconstitutional in Washington, D.C. on March 22
SB 1479would require schools to continue COVID-19 testing and create new testing plansReferred to the Senate Health and Senate Education Committees. Hearing set for March 30; amended on March 23. Passed the Assembly Health Committee on March 30 on a 9-2 vote; referred to the Education Committee; amendments to be introduced April 4 or 5
SB 1018would require online platforms to disclose how health information is distributed to usersReferred to Senate Governmental Organization and Senate Judiciary Committee on March 23; no hearing date yet
SB 1464would require police to enforce mask mandates and other "public health" ordersReferred to the Senate Health and Senate Public Safety Committees. Hearing set for March 30th; hearing moved to April 6; hearing again moved - to April 20 at the earliest
AB 1993would require all employers to mandate the COVID vaccine for employees and independent contractorsReferred to the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee; hearing set for March 30th. UPDATE March 29: The author "held" the bill, meaning she will not advance it.
AB 1797would provide greater access and less privacy for the California Immunization Record DatabaseReferred to Senate Health and Senate Education Committees on March 24; no hearing date yet.
AB 2098would subject doctors to disciplinary conduct for sharing COVID “misinformation."Referred to the Assembly Business and Professions Committee; hearing set for April 19