On Monday, Republicans will be united on the Floor of the Assembly in voting for my bill, AB 1638, to suspend the gas tax entirely. I hope our Democrat colleagues will join us.
Before the vote, I’m holding a press conference at a Sacramento gas station with James Gallagher and Senate Republican Leader Scott Wilk. You can watch live on my Facebook page at 11:45 AM.
We’ve already forced Newsom to change his position. He now agrees Californians need relief, but he’s only offering “rebates.” A check in the mail at some future time: we saw how well that worked with the EDD.
Meanwhile, Newsom’s school mask mandate has formally expired. But the LA teachers union insists it’s "premature.” Any board member still voting to require masks needs to be challenged and defeated. Gratuitous cruelty to children is disqualifying.
Vaccine passports are also ending, with no evidence they did anything but create a black market for forged documents. My bill opposing passports never got a hearing.
That’s California for you: paying the highest gas taxes while driving over the deepest potholes; facing the highest government coercion while receiving the lowest government performance. Increasingly, that’s America for you as well.
We are fighting to set our state and country on a new course. And this week saw the biggest development of the campaign. I’m honored to now be the officially endorsed candidate of the California Republican Party.