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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

A California Superior Court has set the date for the trial in our case against Gavin Newsom.

The trial begins at 9 AM on October 21 at the Superior Court of California, County of Sutter, 1175 Civic Center Boulevard.

The case of Gallagher and Kiley v. Newsom is about more than one unlawful Executive Order. It’s about making Gov. Newsom answer for his illegal one-man rule.

It’s about vindicating the constitutional checks and balances that have served our country so well for 233 years.

These last five months, the genius of our Founding Fathers has given way to the recklessness of our floundering Governor. This case is our best chance to restore the rule of law, check and balances, and representative government.

Governor Newsom is understandably nervous. Ours is the first case where he’s suffered a loss in court, with a judge issuing a Temporary Restraining Order against him in June.

That’s why his cavalcade of lawyers at the Attorney General’s Office has worked frantically, pulling out all the stops, to delay this legal reckoning. He even ousted from the case the Judge who ruled against him.

Further, the Governor knows that an adverse outcome at trial will be the coup de grâce in his failed pandemic response.

With California having the most COVID cases and the worst economy of any state, Newsom now faces the ultimate blot on his record: a court finding that he put our Constitution through a paper shredder.

Getting a trial date before the election was a major victory for us, as the Executive Order at issue overhauled the election unilaterally. If trial was delayed until after Nov. 3, as Newsom desperately hoped, he would have argued the issue was moot as a way to escape judgment.

The trial will be open to the public, and Assemblyman Gallagher and I will be representing ourselves. Well, we’ll be representing ourselves in the technical legal sense – but really, we’re representing the people of our state against a runaway Governor who’s left 40 million Californians without a voice in their own government.

Help me keep fighting Newsom's one-man rule

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