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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

One indication lockdowns don't work is that their biggest enthusiasts keep getting caught violating them. Another is the complete lack of evidence that they work.

Yet now Gavin Newsom is floating a new Stay-at-Home Order, even after all the public health experts he claims to follow panned his curfew as pointless or even counterproductive, and the state’s sheriffs largely rolled their eyes.

Newsom is also defying none other than Dr. Fauci by keeping millions of kids out of school, ultimately causing greater loss of life than COVID-19 according to new findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association.  

Meanwhile our case against him is proceeding rapidly at the Court of Appeals. The Court gave me and James one-fourth the normal amount of time to write a brief 3 times longer than anything at the trial. It’s due tomorrow, and several counties are also filing an amicus brief to support our side.

While our case is the shot across the bow, and likely headed for the Supreme Court, there have been three other important legal developments since our trial victory:

  • Just today, the United States Supreme Court ordered a District Court in California to reassess a challenge to Newsom’s restrictions on religious gatherings in light of its recent decision striking down Andrew Cuomo’s discriminatory policies.

  • Yesterday a Judge ordered LA County’s know-nothing Public Health Department to provide evidence to justify its outdoor dining ban, saying, “You have to do a risk-benefit analysis for public health. You don’t just talk about the risk of spreading disease.”

  • The Pacific Legal Foundation case, which builds on our trial victory by applying our separation-of-powers argument to the business shutdown, has a hearing for a preliminary injunction against the “Blueprint” set for Dec. 15 in Fresno.

In addition, so far this week two more counties, Placer and El Dorado, have passed a Healthy Communities Resolution in opposition to Newsom’s command-and-control lockdowns. We expect many more to soon follow. Here is a sample of our Resolution you can present to your own Board of Supervisors.

And the new session of the Legislature begins next Monday – not at the State Capitol but at the Sacramento Kings basketball arena. Among other legislation, I am immediately introducing the Open California Schools Act and am calling on the Legislature to vote against a new Stay-at-Home order.

Our multi-pronged fight against Newsom’s one-man rule is making headway. I just fear it will be too late for many who are suffering from these attacks on law, science, and the people of California.

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