Gavin Newsom ended 2021 with a flourish. As the Sacramento Bee reports in an article headlined Newsom vs. Kiley:
Newsom took a rare jab at one of his loudest critics last week, when his office put out a statement suggesting Assemblyman Kevin Kiley might need “a basic refresher course on how the legislature and a separate branch of government works.”
Yes, the Governor who literally proclaimed himself an autocrat tried to lecture me about the separation of powers. His goal, following a backlash, was to distance himself from my removal as Education Vice Chair.
Today that “separate branch of government,” the Legislature, reconvened for a new session. To start the year I’m renewing my legislation to ban vaccine passports throughout California, given that the rationale for them has collapsed entirely.
But the arrival of legislators wasn’t the most significant event at the Capitol today. The true civics lesson was provided to Newsom by parents who gathered to protest his outrageous student mandate. You can see my remarks at the rally here.
We begin 2022 with the nation’s only K-12 mandate and the highest measure of insanity across the board. Yet we also begin the year with a movement that is stronger than ever, that's poised to take on the failed leadership of both Sacramento and Washington.
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