A federal lawsuit has just been filed to cancel the Recall vote. Gavin Newsom has tried every trick in the book to thwart the will of voters, so of course it has come to this.
I’ll be helping make sure this gets laughed out of court. It’s a fringe legal theory brought by two “voters” and an attorney with his own criminal record: 19 felonies and a 3-year prison term. Yet Newsom’s fingerprints are all over it.
Newsom’s handpicked Attorney General says he’s "monitoring" the case. It’s being promoted in the New York Times by the same Berkeley professor Newsom used to try to keep Donald Trump off the ballot. That scheme was unanimously rejected by the State Supreme Court.
Newsom knows his days are numbered, and our political class is terrified beyond belief.
We are getting great feedback on last night's debate. It's airing on NPR affiliates today. And tomorrow’s will be televised statewide on these stations at 7 PM.
At the debate and for the rest of the campaign, I'll continue to make the case against Gavin Newsom - not against other candidates to replace him.
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