Last week, the Legislature’s Supermajority outdid itself. The “Public Safety” Committee voted against a bill to make human trafficking of a child a serious felony.
With this act of pure depravity, the bill appeared dead. But then Newsom provided an opening. The attention-seeking Governor put up a poorly timed tweet that, as usual, took aim at lawmakers in another state. So I took aim at him:
“Today Newsom is weighing in on a vote of the Iowa Legislature. He has nothing to say about California’s own Legislature voting that child trafficking is not a serious felony,” I posted at 9 AM.
Suddenly Newsom’s silence was part of the story. Within hours he changed course, calling the bill’s author Shannon Grove and pressuring legislative Democrats. The next day the Assembly suspended its rules to allow a re-vote. This time, the bill passed.
And that wasn’t the only insanity out of Sacramento last week. Newsom’s Board of Education adopted a new “social justice” mathematics framework. I spoke with Laura Ingraham about this farcical scheme to use math class for indoctrination.
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