It’s official. The Secretary of State has verified enough signatures to trigger an election for the removal of Gavin Newsom.
This is an achievement of historic proportions: our country’s largest ever signature drive and our state’s greatest ever citizens movement.
In theory, Newsom could still stop the election by harassing people into retracting their signatures. But with at least 130,000 signatures to spare, that’s rather unlikely. In fact, the bill to expose the name and address of petition signers was just withdrawn by the author.
As a sign of his desperation, Newsom is personally attacking me using his “Stop the Republican Recall” Twitter account, and he just received a $25,000 donation from a high-speed rail contractor that was awarded $2.2 billion. The bonfire of corruption is fully ablaze.
This Recall can bring the era of corruption to an end, as our state’s steady decline – now a freefall – is swiftly reversed and a new era for the California Dream begins.