Join The Fight

Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Gavin Newsom was the slowest governor to make the shot available and is now the quickest to make it mandatory. This mix of incompetence and overreach is the hallmark of California government.

As Governor, I'd immediately end the State of Emergency and reverse Newsom’s outrageous mandates. Liberty and citizen service will replace directives and state control. 

Our government will be limited but effective. It will do the things government is supposed to do, do them well, and do nothing else. 

For example, I'll build storage for our water rather than ordering citizens to stop using it. At our rally in Clovis on Saturday, I announced a plan to add 5 million acre-feet to our annual supply. 

This is the paradigmatic change Californians are demanding. As I told Steve Hilton on Fox News last night, the enthusiasm and excitement I’m seeing throughout the state is incredible. People can sense we are on the verge of something truly powerful.

I’ve loved seeing the creative memes people are making to promote our campaign. Here are a few you can use on social media. You can also join an online town hall I’m having Wednesday on Newsom's disastrous AB 5 law.

Finally, you can watch my 10-minute video to the California Republican Party here. My message: Never in our nation’s history has a state political party had the opportunity to do as much good for as many people as we do right now.

Help me end mandates and revive liberty in California

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