Gavin Newsom is bound for Scotland to attend the UN Climate Change conference. In the absence of our jet-setting Governor, we’re fighting on several fronts:
Port Crisis: I’m calling for a Special Session of the Legislature to address a crisis that threatens the whole country. Newsom refuses to take simple steps like reverse AB 5 to free up truckers and suspend senseless regulations that worsen bottlenecks.
EDD Debacle: On Monday we finally had an oversight hearing. I asked Newsom’s handpicked Director why California has the nation’s worst unemployment. Incredibly, she had no idea, saying she’ll have a “research team” look into it.
K-12 Mandate: Yesterday hundreds of parents came to our town hall in Lincoln about fighting Newsom’s radical mandate. Another citizen-led rally at the Capitol is planned for November 15 at 10 AM.
School Conditions: The American Academy of Pediatrics has declared a children’s mental health emergency. I’m calling for a hearing into inhumane conditions at California schools like forcing kids to chew their lunch with masks on.
By the way, 15 Legislators are joining Newsom in Glasgow. If we don’t fight for California, no one will.
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