Today, Biden's Secretary of Education gave false testimony to Congress. In response to my questioning, Secretary Miguel Cardona claimed that he did not promote student vaccine mandates. I then read him his own past statements where he did precisely that.
You can watch the clip where I catch him in the lie here and the full five-minute exchange here. Other notable moments:
Cardona admitted that not a single state followed the Administration’s policy and implemented a student vaccine mandate (Newsom was the one Governor to try, and we stopped him).
He fabricated evidence to justify mandating masks for kids, with the lead author of a study he cited rebuking him for inaccurately claiming it supported mandates.
He publicly attacked the Governors of Florida and Texas for opposing student mask mandates, but never once criticized Newsom for keeping schools closed.
This was my second recent bewildering encounter with a Biden official. When I questioned the ATF Director at a Judiciary hearing, he refused to say whether he agrees with the Second Amendment and wouldn’t even deny wanting to repeal it.
Meanwhile, with the border crisis spiraling further out of control, I spoke in favor of our successful border security legislation and am now working on a bill to negate Sanctuary State and Sanctuary City policies in California and across the country.
And as the collapse of Newsom's San Francisco continues, my address on the House Floor last week is having an impact: none other than CNN just aired an hour-long special on how the city has fallen apart.
Finally, the White House is pulling out all the stops to save Julie Su’s nomination. I’ll be making a closing argument on the Floor tomorrow. Inauspiciously for Su and Biden, California just announced a $32 billion budget deficit – exactly the amount she squandered in fraud.