A new LA Times poll shows the anti-Prop. 47 initiative (Prop. 36) passing overwhelmingly. Even Democrat voters support it by an 18-point margin. The people of California are poised to override the politicians and make crime illegal again. There is hope for our state.
Another sign of a sea change: after years of decline, the CA Republican Party increased its share of registered voters for the third straight time. There is a growing coalition of Californians who may not agree with the GOP on every issue, but are looking for a return to balance and common sense.
It appears that at least some in the Supermajority Legislature are getting the message. Earlier this week, I blasted them for advancing a bill that would let more murderers out of prison early. Thankfully, it’s now being reported that the measure doesn’t have the votes to pass.
I also criticized the Newsom Administration for testifying against a bill to make sex trafficking of minors into a felony. Fortunately, yesterday that bill cleared the Appropriations committee and appears on track for passage.
Meanwhile, the President of Columbia University has resigned. This marks the third university’s leader – joining Harvard and Penn – ousted after testifying in our committee’s anti-Semitism investigation. You can watch my Columbia cross-examination here and Harvard/Penn here.
As to Newsom, he just used his taxpayer-funded celebrity photographer for a photo-op of him cleaning up a homeless encampment. It's all the more incredible given that Newsom opposed our brief to get the Supreme Court to allow the encampments to come down.
Still, between crime and homelessness, we are on a path back to sanity. This highlights a challenge for Kamala Harris: she's trying to seel California as a "role model" for America at the very moment Californians have decided enough is enough.