After years of decline, the California Republican Party just increased its share of the state’s registered voters for the third straight time. This is the strongest evidence yet of the strength of our movement.
It reflects a growing coalition of Californians who may not agree with the GOP on every issue, but are horrified by the decline of our state, have seen Newsom for the human wrecking ball that he is, and are looking for a return to balance and common sense.
It’s this coalition that will pass Prop. 36 in November. This is the anti-Prop. 47 initiative we worked so hard to get on the ballot – and that Newsom desperately tried to keep off the ballot. The people of California are about to override the politicians and make crime illegal again.
It appears that at least some in the Supermajority Legislature are getting the message. Earlier this week, I blasted them for advancing a bill that would let more murderers out of prison early. Thankfully, it’s now being reported that the measure doesn’t have the votes to pass.
Meanwhile, the President of Columbia University has resigned. This marks the third university’s leader – joining Harvard and Penn – ousted after testifying in our committee’s anti-Semitism investigation. You can watch my Columbia cross-examination here. and Harvard/Penn here.
As to Newsom, he just used his taxpayer-funded celebrity photographer for a ridiculous photo-op of him supposedly clearing a homeless encampment. It’s all the more shameful given Newsom opposed our brief to get the Supreme Court to allow the encampments to come down.
The cost of the photographer to taxpayers is $200,000. Of course, in measuring the price of Newsom’s vanity, this is just the tip of the iceberg.