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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas appeared before the Judiciary Committee this week. Prior to the hearing, I was asked by Majority Leader Scalise to sum up Mayorkas and Biden’s disastrous immigration record for the press.

Mayorkas is a famously evasive witness, who comes prepared to stonewall and filibuster his way through each five-minute segment. I studied his previous appearances on Capitol Hill and realized I had to use his own words against him. 

In our exchange, which you can watch here, Mayorkas tacitly admitted Biden policies are responsible for record illegal border crossings; he explicitly admitted too many criminal illegal immigrants are being released from jails and that the Sanctuary State threatens public safety.

That’s right: California's Sanctuary State is so extreme even Mayorkas, when pressed, admitted he’s against it. This has given great momentum to my bill to end it. 

I questioned another Cabinet-level official this week: Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator Anne Milgram. Biden’s DEA, as Vice put it, is a “total mess.” Milgram is under a corruption investigation for giving millions in no-bid contracts to her friends. 

I took a prosecutorial approach to this cross-examination and got several key admissions. Milgram’s second-in-command just tendered his resignation, and I would not be surprised if this road leads to hers as well. 

While taking on the Biden Administration, I am also warning Americans about Newsom whenever possible. At a hearing on school closures, I made the case that Newsom is guilty of the most harmful policy blunder in modern U.S. history.

At the nexus of Biden and Newsom is Julie Su. With her nomination pending longer than any in history, Biden has lawlessly installed her as an unconfirmed “Acting” Secretary. My new bill, co-authored by Chair Virginia Foxx, will dislodge Su and end this affront to the Constitution. 

Helping me keep fighting

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