Dear Friends,
I have to be honest. With everything going on in DC, the last month has been the worst of the year from a fundraising perspective. And it couldn’t come at a worse time.
It's tremendously important we make up as much ground as possible before tonight's end-of-month deadline. If you only have a moment, you can click here to help. But I wanted to briefly let you know why today is such an important deadline.
Gavin Newsom’s "Deputy Secretary," Jessica Morse, has resigned from her position to run against us. She is poised to spend at least $4 million to defeat us – likely much more as she has both the Newsom and Biden machine behind her, and doesn’t have a day job to worry about.
Your investment in our campaign will go farther than for any campaign in the country. This may sound like hyperbole, but it’s the truth. It is empirically based. There are 3 specific reasons why a donation to our campaign is of such great value.
Reason 1: Campaign Spending Efficiency
First, our campaign is by far the most efficient with spending in the country. Last quarter, the 30 other House Republicans being targeted by the Democrats spent an average of $303,000. We spent $92,572. We not only ranked first in efficiency out of the 30 campaigns, we were twice as efficient as the second-place campaign.
To put it another way: the average targeted Republican "burned" about half the money they raised, whereas our burn rate was just 15 percent. This means that your donation to our campaign does not get consumed by administrative expenses. It will go to reaching and persuading voters. It has several times the electoral impact as it would for any other campaign.
The reason we are uniquely efficient is that our fundraising model is unique. I believe as a fiscal conservative, it’s important to "walk the walk" as far as how I manage our campaign’s finances. Other campaigns rely on highly-paid consultants and other political professionals, which produces a high "burn rate." I rely instead on you – on citizen donors willing to sacrifice for the good of our state and country. And I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your sacrifice and support.
You can make a high-value, much-needed citizen donation at this link.
Reason 2: Tipping Point District
The second reason support for our campaign is of exceptional value is that we were the "tipping point" race last year, winning the decisive 218th seat that secured the new Republican Majority and fired Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. There is every reason to think our district will be similarly decisive this year.
The breakdown of Democrat and Republican voters in the district is about even; we will need to outperform the presidential ticket to keep the seat. That requires getting out the vote and having the resources to communicate with swing voters. By investing in our campaign, you are not just investing in one candidate or one district. You are affecting the entire balance of power in the country. You are materially advancing the goal of saving the greatest state in the country and greatest country in the world.
Please consider making a high-impact, quick, secure contribution at this link.
Reason 3: Impact in Washington
\Third, our work in D.C. has been having an outsize impact. I did not run for Congress just to be part of the majority or to turn a district red. I wanted to use the powers and platform of a United States Representative to bring real accountability and change.
At this stage, I have likely cross-examined more Biden cabinet officials than any Member of Congress. I’ve gotten a subcommittee gavel – rare for a freshman – and led the charge in denying Senate confirmation to Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Labor. We have exposed Newsom’s corruption and counteracted his destructive policies – such as by authoring legislation to overturn the sanctuary state, helping advance legislation to reverse his ban on gas-powered cars, and shaming Newsom into ending drought restrictions.
Because we are shaking up DC, our district is being targeted more aggressively than even the most closely contested ones. If we fall behind in raising the resources we need, Newsom and Morse will be emboldened and our entire movement will be at risk. Your generous support is what enables me to keep fighting.
Please consider giving as much as you can in time for today’s important deadline.
Thank you for reading this far. I wanted to give you a longer-than-usual update today, because today our need is larger than usual. There is so much at stake for our state and country in this moment. It is an honor to fight alongside you.
p.s. If you have a moment to help with our deadline before trick-or-treating begins, here is the link one more time. Thank you!