We’ve faced long odds and uphill battles. But now, we are in for a fight like never before. This End-of-the-Quarter fundraising deadline is a key moment for our re-election campaign. I wanted to provide some background on why, but if you only have a moment, your support at this link for the deadline would be an enormous help.
The timing couldn’t be worse for the bad news that I’m sorry I have to share. As you know, I am always transparent about where our campaign stands. And unfortunately, this quarter has been our slowest yet by far from a fundraising perspective. I have to accept blame for that; I have been so focused on the multi-front battles we are waging in California and DC that I have not paid sufficient attention to keeping our numbers where they need to be.
That’s why I have to ask: Can you help with today’s deadline, to the greatest extent you can, so that we can avoid a potentially disastrous Quarter 1 showing?
The problems facing our state and country have never been greater; at the same time, our opportunity to change things has never been greater. It is precisely because of the impact we are having that we are being targeted in a way that is over and above anything you’d expect even in the most competitive districts.
The National Democrats and the Newsom political operation have made no secret about their goal: they have decided this is their chance to take our seat and stop our citizens movement. To that end, they have closed ranks behind Newsom staffer Jessica Morse.
Several big-money Super PACs have recently announced they are backing Morse. They have designated our district as one of their top "Targets" nationwide. They have crowed that their path to retaking the majority runs through California. They are filing frivolous complaints and seeking to harass us at every turn (they even have two "trackers" with video cameras that accost me every time I walk to or from the Capitol). They have just published a manifesto titled "The Case Against Kevin Kiley."
To fight back, I need as much help as you can give. Please consider supporting our crucial end-of-quarter deadline with a donation today.
This is all entirely to be expected: Morse resigned after 5 years in the Newsom Administration, giving up a high-paying post, specifically so she could be a full-time political candidate and focus entirely on running against us for a year and a half.
In 2018, she ran for Congress and raised $4 million from the likes of the DCCC, "Blue Momentum," and some of the most far-left Members of Congress. While that campaign failed, Newsom brought her into his Administration, where she spent five years as a "Deputy Secretary."
We can be sure they have been specifically prepping Morse for this moment, and carefully chosen our opponent based on three factors: (1) the ability to accept huge sums of money from the most radical segments of the Democrat Party; (2) an ideology in line with the far left; and (3) a total commitment to doing the bidding of Gavin Newsom.
It's hard to imagine anything worse than someone who meets these criteria taking our seat. To stop this outcome, your support for today’s deadline would be of tremendous value.
With Newsom’s poll numbers at an all-time low, his State of the State cancelled, and his presidential delusions all-but-shattered, I have no doubt he blames us. We have exposed his failures for what they are. And his entire political operation is intent on revenge.
And Newsom has a more-than-willing partner in the Biden political operation. Word is they are not happy about the way I have questioned his Cabinet Secretaries. Apparently, they’d prefer that I treat the likes of Mayorkas, Becerra, Garland, and Su with kid gloves. They are shocked that anyone would insist on real accountability.
That’s why your support is not just about helping me keep this seat and helping Republicans keep the majority; it is about empowering me to fight. It is armor of a particularly powerful kind. It is the glue that holds our citizens movement together.
These next few months could be among the most consequential in our state and country’s history. So much is on the line. We finally have a path to sanity in California. We have the chance for a major course correction as a country.
Our opponents are aware of these stakes. For them, this is a now-or-never opportunity to take us out; they’re putting all their chips on the table. And if we don’t have a major showing today, I am concerned they will be empowered and we will be vulnerable.
Below is a link for a quick, secure, citizen donation that will give us the strength and reinforcement we need for the battles ahead. I’d be humbled and grateful beyond measure for your help.
Support: Official FEC End of Quarter Deadline.
Thank you!