Dear Friends,
I need your help. Today is our pivotal end-of-month fundraising deadline, and Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell are leading a coordinated smear campaign against us to promote and bankroll our opponent, Jessica Morse.
In a series of posts, Schiff and Swalwell shared a highly-produced attack ad video (screenshot below). Schiff said: "We need to rally behind Morse, defeat Kiley, and flip the House." Swalwell added: "We can beat him."
It is vitally important that we send a loud and clear message to Schiff and Swalwell that we are ready to fight back. If we don't, they will continue to meddle in our race until Morse has been installed.
As a sign of how heavily we are being targeted, I am the only candidate in the country Schiff is posting attack videos against. Our opponent Morse, who was Newsom's "Deputy Secretary" for 5 years, told Swalwell: "appreciate having a leader like you in our corner!"
We also know that Morse was funneled huge sums of money from ActBlue last month. Now, the entire Schiff and Swalwell networks are behind her, on top of massive funding from Newsom's allies. Moreover, the National Democrats just reserved $27 million in ad time for California.
The only way we can stop Schiff, Swalwell, and Newsom from taking over our district – and potentially flipping control of Congress to the Democrats – is with a huge outpouring of citizen support.
Please support our end-of-month deadline with a citizen donation at this link.
Thank you!