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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

It’s over. The final scheme to sabotage the End Prop. 47 initiative just failed. They tried absolutely everything – they tried to undermine the democratic process again and again – and we prevailed every time.

This is a historic win for Californians. We will now have the chance to set our state on a new course in November. You can see right here the official certificate from the Secretary of State certifying the initiative for the ballot. 

The final Hail Mary, unveiled on Sunday night, was the most warped plot yet. The Governor tried to strong-arm the Supermajority to put a competing Prop. 47 “reform” initiative on the ballot in order to confuse voters. 

After the scheme was unveiled, I put up a post describing just how sinister and insulting this very weak "Imposter Initiative" was to voters. The post concluded:

In the most shamelessly anti-democratic move yet, the text of the initiative says that if it passes by a higher margin than End 47, then the entire End 47 initiative is null and void –even where there is no conflict whatsoever between the two initiatives. There is no other way to say it: this is a mechanism to overturn the result of a democratic election. 

And let's not forget the ultimate objective: to allow fentanyl dealers to keep killing people, serial thieves to go unpunished, and drug addicts to go without treatment. To achieve those perverse ends, he is willing to turn the democratic process in California upside-down.

Within 48 hours, the scheme had flopped and the Imposter Initiative was withdrawn.I gave a speech on the House Floor titled “A Path to Sanity” about the opportunity we now have to turn California around.

With the Supreme Court ruling our way, parks and streets can now be free of homeless encampments. And with the End Prop. 47 initiative on the ballot, crime can finally become illegal again. I am as hopeful for our state as I’ve been in a long time.

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