The last 24 hours have been among the most consequential in the history of our state.
First, it is now official: Yesterday, the End Prop. 47 initiative was officially certified for the November ballot. Thank you so much to everyone who signed, gathered signatures, and helped spread the word.
The Governor and Supermajority are still scheming up a “competing” initiative to confuse voters. But it won’t work: Californians now have the chance to vote, one that out-of-touch politicians desperately tried to deny us.
But that’s not all. Today, the U.S. Supreme Court did as my Amicus Brief asked, giving our communities back the power to ban camping in public spaces. Homeless encampments can now be removed from our streets and parks. You can watch my video at the Court here.
Homelessness in California is a crisis and a tragedy that has only continued to get worse. I asked the Court to take this action because I believe our state can do so much better. Today is a new day: a chance to get this crisis under control and reclaim our public spaces.
These two developments – ending Prop. 47 and limiting homeless encampments – will put us on a path back to sanity. It is a new day for California; I am more hopeful than I have been in a long time.
Meanwhile, in D.C. this week: I cross-examined Pete Buttigieg about massive cost overruns of CA “High-Speed” Rail and the folly of banning gas cars, as California is planning to do. I also chaired an important hearing of my subcommittee, about antisemitism at universities.
Many problems remain for our state and country. But we are getting major wins – thank you for being in the fight!