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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

The last 24 hours have been among the most consequential in the history of our state, and perhaps our country.

First, Biden’s debate performance has revived talk he will be replaced by Newsom, who was at the debate as his “surrogate.” Newsom is literally the most unpopular governor in America. The fact that his name is even being floated says a lot about both Biden and Kamala Harris.

We burst the Newsom bubble once before, and we’ll do so again. As to Biden, I just spoke on the House Floor and demanded he release the recordings of his interviews with Special Counsel Hur. Biden has illegally withheld them for fear of political damage.

The huge news today for California is from the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court did as my Amicus Brief asked: it gave our communities back the power to ban camping in public spaces. Homeless encampments can now be removed from our streets and parks. Watch my video at the Court.

This overrules the disastrous Boise decision – which Newsom wanted to keep in place. And it comes on the heels of another huge victory over Newsom yesterday: the End Prop. 47 initiative was officially certified for the November ballot.

Newsom is still scheming up a “competing” measure to confuse voters. But it won’t work: Californians now have the opportunity to vote that he tried desperately to deny them; a crony even filed a frivolous (and promptly dismissed) complaint against me to suppress signatures.

Also this week: I cross-examined Pete Buttigieg about the billions he's giving CA “High-Speed” Rail, and caught him supporting Newsom’s catastrophic gas car ban after he tried to deny it. I also chaired an important hearing of my subcommittee, about antisemitism at universities.

All of this as Newsom, too embarrassed to give a State of the State address, did a pre-recorded 30-minute PowerPoint instead. We are defeating him in California; our state is turning a corner despite his resistance. Now we must make sure he never has the chance to ruin our country. 

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