As a loyal follower, you know I like to keep my posts succinct, substantive, and action-oriented. I only directly ask for your support when it’s most important.
At this moment in our campaign for Congress, it’s as important as ever. Here is the link to donate, but I want to say a few words about why it’s so important now.
There are two reasons. First, the end of February is near. We have done well this month, but we haven’t quite kept pace with our strong January numbers.
That’s mainly because I’ve been so busy at the Capitol – fighting to end the State of Emergency, repeal Prop. 47, and suspend the gas tax – that I haven’t had as much time for the campaign.
The good news is February is not yet over. We still have time.
The second reason your support is so important now is that we're very close to the last day for other candidates to file to run. If our opponents sense any weakness, they'll do anything and everything to defeat us.
Those opponents are Newsom, Pelosi, and the far-leftists, yes. But truthfully, my most vicious antagonists have been the swamp creatures in either party who live off politics rather than living for public service.
The thing they fear most is an elected official who isn’t owned by anyone. That’s why they see our movement as so deeply threatening. And it’s why I need your help to fight back.
Before I decided my plans for this year, I sent an email asking for your advice. 3,000 people responded. The overriding sentiment was to run for Congress because we simply can’t allow our country to go down the same disastrous path as California.
I entered the race so I could fight Biden and Pelosi’s radical agenda just as hard as I’ve fought Newsom and the Supermajority.
And I entered knowing it was a risk. Reelection to the Assembly was all but assured. In seeking national office, I knew I’d be targeted in ways like never before.
In fact, the ugliness coming our way is even worse than I expected. We are in a fierce, high-stakes battle. But it’s one I am fighting with armor – your support.
If every person who receives this message gives what you can – whether that’s $10, $100, $500, $1000, or the legal maximum of $5,800 – that armor will be so strong that no opponent can break through.
Every night, no matter how late I get home from the Capitol or campaign, I sign Thank You letters to each of my supporters. I feel a special bond with every person who makes it possible to fight for our state and country.
If you have already supported my campaign for Congress, thank you so much. If you can, I’d be incredibly grateful if you can take that support to the next level.
If you have not yet had the chance to contribute, I would love nothing more than to have you on our team of citizen-supporters.
With gratitude and humility,
p.s. It’s hard to believe how close the election is. Ballots go out in 71 days. Whatever you can give will help us win.