The latest shocking footage out of San Francisco, of criminals looting a Walgreens with impunity, has underscored the importance of Prop. 36. In just a few weeks, we can end the Prop. 47 catastrophe and make crime illegal again in California.
This comes as a new study confirms that Prop. 47 increased property theft. In addition, overall violent crime has increased 15.1 percent – including a 30.6% increase in aggravated assault, a tragic 9.1% increase in homicide, and a 62.9% increase in assault with a firearm.
In D.C. last week, we held a hearing in the Judiciary Committee about how crime in California is a warning to the nation. You can see my speech here about how Prop. 47, Prop. 57, and other reckless policies have caused crime to spiral out of control.
The good news, as I said at the hearing, is that a coalition for common sense is emerging in California. Republicans are fired up, and a growing number of Independents and Democrats are ready for change. They've had enough of our beautiful state being run to the ground.
Consider the latest LA Times poll for Prop. 36 (End 47). Republican voters favor the initiative by a 52-percent margin. Independents are for it by a 36-percent margin. And even Democrat voters favor our initiative by a 19-point margin. The only person against it, it seems, is Gavin Newsom.
We also just had a win in Sacramento, forcing Newsom to veto the bill giving illegal immigrants $150,000 in housing down payment assistance. And the Legislature finally passed a bill to hold Newsom accountable for homelessness spending, after an audit found he “lost” $24 billion.
Meanwhile, in my race for re-election, we just got word that my Newsom-backed opponent is spending $350,000 on TV ads just this week against me. They can see the momentum of our movement, and they are doing everything they can do stop us.