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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Yesterday, I joined Gloria Romero, the former Democrat Majority Leader of the California State Senate, for a momentous announcement. She is joining the Republican Party. You can watch our press conference at the State Capitol here.

This comes just two weeks after a sitting California Senator switched from Democrat to Republican; it follows three straight voter registration cycles where Republicans gained and Democrats lost ground. And it matches what I’m hearing everywhere I go in California.

That is: a coalition for common sense is emerging in our state. Republicans are more fired up than ever, and a growing number of Independents and Democrats are ready for change. They are tired of Newsom and his corrupt enablers running our beautiful state into the ground. 

Consider the latest LA Times poll for our End 47 initiative. Republicans voters favor the initiative by a whopping 52-percent margin. Independents favor it by 36 percent. And even Democrat voters favor our initiative by a 19-point margin. Newsom, meanwhile, is staunchly opposed.

Speaking of Newsom: he just called a "Special Session" of the Legislature to raise gas prices, and the State Senate simply blew him off. The national party has shunned him, California voters give him a record-low approval rating, and now his own Supermajority is openly disrespecting him.

Yet the insanity in Sacramento continues: California has passed a bill that forbids any local government from requiring voter ID. This comes just two years after many Californians were required to present both an ID and personal medical documents to get coffee at Starbucks.

And the Legislature just passed a bill to give undocumented immigrants $150,000 in housing assistance. As I noted on Newsmax, this follows Newsom giving free healthcare to everyone here illegally, despite a $68 billion deficit.

Meanwhile, the House Judiciary Committee is coming to San Diego tomorrow for a special hearing on the Biden-Harris border crisis. And we return to DC next week. Among the immediate priorities: passing the Save Act to secure our elections.

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