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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

On June 3, Anthony Fauci will finally appear before Congress under oath. It will be a moment of accountability long in the making. 

It’s true that we’ve achieved some modest accountability so far: 

  • When I first questioned Becerra, the National Review reported: “Finally a Little Accountability on Child-masking.” 
  • EcoHealth was just de-funded for partnering with the Wuhan lab 
  • All but 28 colleges no longer have vaccine mandates, and Newsom withdrew his child vaccine mandate in humiliation.
  • We defeated dozens of pro-mandate school board candidates. 
  • And of course, Newsom’s shadow presidential campaign has completely fizzled.

Yet as our “COVID memory hole” video made clear – with its Orwellian denials from Becerra, Cardona, and OSHA director Parker – the strategy of reinventing history has allowed too many to escape consequences. Fauci himself said “I do not recall” 100 times in an earlier deposition.

This hearing could be the one and only chance to hold him to account on live television, with no place to hide, for what he put our country through – and for enabling the likes of Gavin Newsom.

Speaking of accountability: last Friday, we held Attorney General Garland in contempt for his role in a lawless Biden cover-up. I’ll be questioning Garland directly in two weeks when he appears before the Judiciary Committee (he got rather rattled in Round 1).

This week, I’m questioning the President of UCLA about the chaos on campus and the head of the ATF about his unconstitutional edicts. And the House will vote on a bill I am sponsoring to prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency.

Finally, the Secretary of State just released another signature counting update for the End Prop. 47 initiative. The signature “validity rate” is so high – an impressive 81 percent – that it could officially qualify within two weeks. 

Help me fight for accountability in DC

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