Wednesday’s debate was a success. You can watch the full debate here and see clips here and here.
In two surveys I’ve seen, we were given the win by 75 percent and 67 percent of respondents. In another survey by Reopen California Schools, 86 percent said we’d do the best job getting schools back on track. We also had Google searches spike twice as much as any candidate.
But ultimately, the biggest winner of the debate was Yes on Recall. The biggest loser? That goes without saying.
I’m told my speaking pace was a bit fast…as Governor, the speed with which I’ll take action will match it! But perhaps I’ll drink a little less coffee before the next one. The next televised debate will be August 19, and I’m one of five candidates to qualify.
I’m on my way to Madera and then to a big rally tomorrow at the Clovis Senior Center at 3 PM. Everywhere I go enthusiasm is off the charts. Our movement is so close to the finish line.