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Kevin Kiley is a Republican California Legislator fighting back against the Supermajority and Special Interests at the State Capitol and Washington D.C. Sign up for updates to be part of our growing movement, and join other Californians of patriotism, decency, and common sense who want nothing more than to save our state and our country.

Gavin Newsom, anxious to shed the title of America’s most unpopular governor, is only making things worse for himself. His downward spiral has become a total free fall.

First, he posted a farcical video from the border claiming he has things under control. Trouble is, California now leads the nation in illegal border crossings, and Newsom’s stunt has been completely debunked: not a single National Guardsman has been sent to stop illegal crossings. 

Second, his corrupt scheme to undermine the End Prop. 47 initiative is blowing up. Several Democrats are pulling their support; the Sac Bee and LA Times are condemning him; and leaked emails show his chief of staff actually tried to cancel the vote and bully initiative proponents.

James Gallagher and I made a joint appearance on Fox News to make sure Americans understand the unthinkable corruption that has gripped California. You can also see a full explanation of the corrupt scheme in this widely shared story about my letter to Newsom.

Meanwhile, we are taking Merrick Garland to court. After we cited him for contempt, the DOJ simply shrugged it off, even as others are sent to prison for the same offense. I blasted Garland’s hypocrisy on Newsmax and published a detailed rebuttal to his self-righteous op-ed. 

As our July showdown with Alvin Bragg approaches, several other important hearings are on the docket. I’m convening my subcommittee next week for a hearing on the campus chaos, particularly in California. And our investigation into the high-speed rail debacle is underway. 

The head of California High-Speed Rail testified the project is $100 billion short, and he’s hoping to “fill the gap” with federal funding. I gave my response in a Floor Speech: forget it. California needs funding for our roads, not a historic boondoggle that won’t be finished this century.

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